Laying Your New Lawn
When Laying your new Lawn it is best to have a plan in your mind to do it efficiently.
Choose a starting point that has a straight edge to work from and then lay across in a row rolling the turf out as you go, until you come to the end and this is now your first row of turf laid.
If you are starting along a pathway or garden border edge, then take a step back and look to see if the turf is at the finished level you want (it’s easier to make adjustments at this point rather than later on).
When you are happy, move on to the next row starting with a half roll and continue laying in a brick pattern and keep going all the way with each row, trying not to walk on where you have just laid.
If it is a large area and a hot day, especially when you have been laying for a while. When you stop to take a drink, take an extra moment, grab the hose and sprinkle some water on where you have laid turf. Grass gets thirsty too!
Cutting the turf can be done with a large sharp knife or hedge trimmers.

Before you start you will need:
- a hard rake
- sharp blade to trim the turf with (a knife or hedge trimmers will work)
- a wheel barrow to move the turf
- a bottle of wattle for when you get thirsty (it’s tough work!)
- pair of gloves
- a roller to push the sod against the soil
- don’t forget to protect yourself against the sun! Hat and sunscreen are essential.
If you have curves and funny angles, try to ensure you have larger pieces to cut rather than trying to fill these areas with the smaller off-cuts, as these will take longer to establish and can look untidy.
Once you have laid the lawn water it in thoroughly.
Using a turf roller, roll over your new laid lawn to ensure the turf sod meets the soil, top dress with white washed sand, then water again. Allow 1 cubic meter of sand per 100m of Turf
The purpose of the sand is to fill the joins between each roll, the sand will wash in as you water and will disappear after a few days.
Water every morning and evening in the warmer months but if you are laying in winter give us a call and we can explain what watering is required. Take into consideration wind, this also dries out your lawn.
Do not allow your new lawn to Dry out by not watering for a couple of days. This will cause problems in establishing.
Try to avoid walking on your New Lawn for 28 days to let the roots bind into the soil.
If you have any questions about laying your lawn, feel free to contact us via our contact page.